”Alfa Telecom LLC" started to operate after officially registrating on November 12, 2007. Our company carries out its activities in accordance with the approved Charter of the Baku Regional Department on state registration of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The company cooperates with a number of companies for obtaining certificates of Conformity, special permissions according to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan for telecommunication gears and devices used in general-purpose telecommunication networks, as well as official registration of these equipments in the State Radiofrequencies Department.
The company has extensive experience in providing high-speed Internet services to State institutions, foreign and local companies and conducting Fiber Optic cables on drilling rigs and platforms for more than 10 years.
“Alfa Telekom” cooperates with such large companies as Saipiem Contracting Netherlands B.V., Caspian Drilling Company Ltd, Caspian IT Service, AzTV QSC, Azad Azerbaijan Independent Television and Radio Company, ATV Plus, currently operating in the territory of the Republic, and provides high-level services in IT telecommunication sector.
At present, being the state television, AzTV QSC is provided with live broadcasts by our company directly to any point of the Republic via Fiber Optic line.
The company possesses all the required technical equipments, transport facilities and group of specialists (professionals in optical sphere with valid certifications working in the marine environment with a special permission) for installation, mounting and termination of fiber optic cables.